Meet Laura

My name is Laura and I'm the girl chasing freedom with you.  I have lived in bondage to way too many things in my life and I want to flee from those pits! You too?
I love to laugh and spend time with family and friends. 
I love coffee and am a recovering creamer addict.  Seriously it was a problem. :)
I'm a military spouse learning to embrace this wild new lifestyle that consists of too much change.  It doesn't really squeeze in well with my love for comfort but I'm learning to enjoy it.
I'm also a mother to this handsome little guy.  He is all boy and independent as they come but I'm soaking up this time with him.
I also love to write.  Give me a pen and paper and I'll have a cramped hand in no time.
Writing to encourage friends is something I enjoy doing.  Especially hand-written cards. Who doesn't love recieving one of those from time to time?
I'm so thankful you're here and decided to take a minute to hear about my story and God's truth and how when they came together it resulted in true freedom in this area of health.

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