Monday, November 12, 2012

Coffee Addict

I am a coffee fan and enthusiast.
My sweet sister in law says a coffee treat is her way of 'buying a little happy' and I would have to agree!

I love a morning cup of coffee or the special starbucks coffee treat.
It's happiness in a cup!
Plus it was sort of the extra kick in the tail to wake me up in the mornings.
Unfortunately it can also be done in excess and as i've had to reign in on how much coffee i'm consuming it's sad!  Cutting back from having a cup everyday to now only about 2 times a week is not simple.
For example this morning I woke up dead tired and all I wanted was coffee!
{Note to self:Mondays should be one of the days I drink coffee}
Did I mention how I enjoy coffee?
 Half coffee-half special creamer (pumpkin spice being the latest!)
I'm sure the addiction is to the sugar more than the caffeine.
 It's alright to have coffee in moderation.
As much as I love to joke about the need for coffee and all of the other fun things to say about coffee, I realize the need for balance.
Indulging daily to now only a few times a week is difficult but when I am able to sip on that cup of coffee filled with too much creamer i'm happy about it and enjoy it all the more.
Maybe you're not a recovering coffee addict like myself but enjoy a large sweet tea from McDonald's on the way to work? Soda? Juice?
Enjoy your drink of choice a few times a week but when you feel dependent it's time to put the brakes on.
We don't want to start habits that are hard to break.
I do want to mention i've almost completely removed soda from my diet.
I drink a lot of water throughout the day instead.  I was once told not to drink calories and as i've included water in place of other beverages I don't feel like i'm missing out.
It's my secret weight loss weapon in case you wanted to use it to :).

Sunday, November 11, 2012

The Buddy System

Used with Permission from Melissa Lynn Photography
When you set out to lose weight or choose to live a disciplined lifestyle you'll find yourself having to make small choices throughout the day. 
Will you drink water or soda?
Hand full of grapes or potato chips?
Take a walk or relax while browsing pinterest?

Some days you may find the willpower to make wise decisions but other days you may have the weight of the world on your shoulders and it seems impossible to muster up the strength to care about what you're putting in your mouth or whether you'll work out.
It's in those moments that I suggest having a friend or family member you can talk with.
There really has to be a balance with this because if you're like me struggling with the desire to over eat can be daily but there are certain times it's overwhelming and you really need a friend to talk you out of making a choice you'll regret later.

I was beyond grateful to pick up the phone and call my mother today and it was nice how she understood but also encourage me to keep plugging away.  Her wisdom was needed when I lacked the desire to care.
Do you have someone like that? I hope you do.

Galatians 6:2Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (NIV)
Sometimes our load is heavy and we need a friend to come along and hold us together for a time until we are able to stand back up.  There is nothing shameful about it.  God intended for us to be in relationships and as we work through this struggle it's a blessing to have people that will lead us in the right direction.
Make sure to find your buddy!
Thinking of you :).

Cauliflower Mash Recipe

Cauliflower Mash Recipe

Head of cauliflower
Mozzarella Cheese

Cut cauliflower up into smaller florettes and rinse.  Steam the vegetable, I chose to put a small amount of water in the bottom of the pan above, cover and steam for about 15 minutes.  When it becomes soft mash the cauliflower and add ingredients.  A pinch of salt and pepper will do and only a small hand full of mozzarella cheese will be fine.

I need to caution you with this recipe because it is not meant to be a replacement for mashed potatoes.  You WILL be disappointed if you make this with the expectation that will be as good. :) I speak from experience.  I liked the flavor of the cheese but with this dish you have the option to add what you will like for example garlic salt would have been good or a small amount of butter even.  Make it your own but it is a great side dish! 


Spinach Salad Recipe

Spinach Salad Recipe
Feta Cheese
Pomegranate vinaigrette
Place all ingredients in a bowl and toss.
A simple yet delicious salad made in minutes!

I love the flavors mixed together and honestly you can add or substract ingredients to your liking. I have tried another dressing that was just as good!

I love to have options for lunch and have a hard time with the same meal over and over.  This has become one of my favorites and I am satisfied after a bowl this size. I would love to hear your variation of this salad.  A friend made this for me once and I am hooked!


Saturday, November 3, 2012